Located on the Ghent-Terneuzen Canal, Heros Ecopark Terneuzen is a sustainable business park on a 45-hectare site. Its central location, deep waterways and 500-metre quay provide ideal access to Belgium, Germany, northern France and the United Kingdom. Heros Sluiskil manages access control for companies such as Lijnco Green Energy, Electrawinds Green Fuel and Heros Sluiskil. Heros Sluiskil produces 600,000 tonnes of mineral building materials per year and supplies raw materials to the metal industry. For Heros, sustainability means maximising the use of resources and transforming them into new products.
Figures and Facts
- 45 hectares sized terrain
- In control of a 500 meters long quay
- Produces more than 600.000 tons of materials annually for the metal industry

The Challenge
The pressure on the reception desk of Heros Sluiskill was very high because the reception had to manually register every visitor or (sub)contractor. This was very time-consuming and caused a lack of insight. This resulted in long queues, especially in the morning, before visitors could get to work.
The Solution
With both BlueEntrance and BlueSafety, Ecopark Terneuzen is provided with insight into, visitor and contractor statistics management reports, the validity of security documents such as VCA and gate instructions. It is also used as management information for IF index calculations.
The application provides full registration and reporting of personal data, personal identification and security documents. By allowing visitors and contractors to register online, Ecopark has taken a significant step towards efficiency. As a result, the workload at reception has been reduced.
In addition, the application can generate various overviews per period, location or visitor type. These include visitor statistics, overviews of expiring badges, VCA or security training and the number of hours a person or company has been present. Checks can also be set up to ensure that hours worked are in line with agreements.
Key Benefits
- Detailed insights into all types of registrations
- Overview of security contracts and their validity
- Integrated safety instructions through BlueSafety consisting of 15 questions
- Cost savings due to more efficient reception desk
Technology Used
- BlueEntrance
- BlueSafety
- Already installed Access Control Systems
Heros Ecopark Terneuzen found the ideal partner in Bluefield Smart Access with BlueEntrance and BlueSafety. Now all visitors and contractors can register in advance or on site, after which the validity of security documents and identity is automatically checked.